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Little Window Shelf

This is just a dumb little mini post because I realized I never followed up on a project from a month and a half ago. I posted a while back about random odds and ends I had been keeping myself busy with. So I thought I’d show you how the window shelf turned out.


Saturday goings on

I have a million projects floating in my head at all times. I rarely have a free Saturday to work on stuff, but when I do, as soon as I pop out of bed (around 10AM) I’m already eagerly getting started – even before thoughts of showering or getting dressed. Its irresistible and this is […]

Dreams, Radishes, and Other Minutia

I love my apartment so much. The other night I had a dream that Joe got a new job in Connecticut and we had to move. In my dream we were able to afford a luxury condo there because the cost of living is much lower, but I was sooo sad that I had to […]