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New Item at the Etsy Shop!

Polkadot chambre skinny ties now available at Cherbert Shop on Etsy! […]

New Item at Cherbert Shop – Personalized Felted Wool Barn Owls!

I recently made this little owl figurine as a gift for a friend. I used the same needle felting techniques that I talked about before.

It turned out so well that I decided to make two more for my Etsy Shop! One with a pink banner and one with a mustard banner. If you […]

My New Etsy Shop, Open for Business!

I’m pleased to announce the opening of my new Etsy shop, Cherbert! Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been getting a lot of requests to buy my V color studies. I found a local printer who can print on watercolor paper and actually already sold and shipped a couple […]