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Its been difficult to blog on a regular basis with the busy-ness of the upcoming holidays and with being preoccupied by a freelance project that I’m working on. Well you’ll have to bear with me a bit longer as Joe and I finally get to go on our honeymoon! We are leaving for Iceland as […]


Just a quick post! things have been getting more and more hectic as the wedding approaches. We’ve had to finalize many little details about the wedding, pay our vendors, figure out our living situation limbo…on top of that, Joe has returned to PT school and I’ve been lost in the hours of fashion week prep. […]

My Turn!

For all you joe and “cheryl” fans out there, no fear, Joe is still alive ! I have just been busy with a lot of things. I’ve been so busy that my source of finding out what Cheryl is doing for our wedding is from this site. Those bird toppers were a surprise for me […]