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Trends I Love – Gold Polka Dots

This post is sort of a preview for a project that I’ll be posting about in the next week or so. You can probably predict that it involves gold polka dots. I’ve been absolutely obsessed with gold polka dots for a while now. Polka dots in general, but especially ones that involve the color gold. […]

My New Etsy Shop, Open for Business!

I’m pleased to announce the opening of my new Etsy shop, Cherbert! Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been getting a lot of requests to buy my V color studies. I found a local printer who can print on watercolor paper and actually already sold and shipped a couple […]

And We’re Back – Trivets!!

Wow, its been quite a while since I last posted on the blog. I’m finally home after back to back vacations so hopefully I’ll be able to get back to regular posting again.

My most recent trip was a family cruise trip to Halifax Nova Scotia and St. John New Brunswick. Both locations claim to […]