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Dreams, Radishes, and Other Minutia

I love my apartment so much. The other night I had a dream that Joe got a new job in Connecticut and we had to move. In my dream we were able to afford a luxury condo there because the cost of living is much lower, but I was sooo sad that I had to […]

Even More Painting! Entryway Before and After

Last weekend I finally got around to painting our front door. For those of you who have seen my old apartment, this won’t seem that new or exciting. I used the same picture frame and the same leftover can of paint from my old place. Ever since I moved to NYC, I’ve been completely […]

Picture Frame Accent Wall

I’ve always wanted to have a picture frame accent wall in my home. You know, one of those walls that’s entirely covered with a cluster of framed art? Well, I’ve finally accumulated enough art (both my own art work and art purchased from others) and personal photos to substantially fill a wall. Also, now […]